If you can't find the answer for your question, feel free to contact us!

Below is a list of commonly asked questions by both users who are already a part of Cryptolume and from those that aren’t. If there is anything missing here, you know what to do!

What is Cryptolume, exactly?

We’re a web based SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that provides traders and investors of cryptocurrencies knowledgeable information around technical analysis and fundamentals.We are not a trading or investment platform. We’re a research analytics tool to help you find information on moving markets faster.

Why isn't it free?

Cryptolume is a premium tool that stores 1,000,000+ rows of data per day with complex data sharding. Exchanges are the same, however they charge you transaction fees. Everyone needs to make money in order to stay operational, we’re no exception.

Which exchanges do you support?

Currently we support Binance, Binance-US, Coinbase Pro (GDAX), Bitmex, Bittrex, Bitfinex, Huobi, KuCoin and Kraken. We support all the BTC pairs on these exchanges. We provide data on futures via Bitmex (Open Interest).

Do you support ETH/USDT pairs?

We do, for Binance, Binance-US and Coinbase Pro (GDAX). This is a planned feature in the future for our other exchanges. However if you really need it, we’ll get it in for you so just drop us a mail and we’ll look into it.

Are you still alive and active?

Still kicking in 2024 😉

Do you offer a trial?

We don’t offer a full comprehensive trial as this will impact the users that are currently using the platform, however we can offer you a money back guarantee. If you aren’t happy with the product just contact us and we’ll work it out.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, however it’s not publicly available just yet. Please contact us if you would like to find out more information.

How many coins do you support?

In total, across all exchanges over 2,000 cryptocurrencies, and all BTC pairs. Some exchanges have ETH / USDT pairs available as well.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards via Stripe as well as cryptocurrency payments which are available at the bottom of the packages on the subscription page.

Which timeframes do you support?

We support 5m, 15m, 30m, 4h, and 24h timeframes.

The Cryptocurrency Revolution has only just begun, are you in?